FBB 多孔性精密研磨砂輪 日本製精密研磨砂輪 應用範圍 **Centerless grinding 無心研磨 Computer printer shaft印表機心軸 Magnetic roll of copy machine影印機磁棒 Chrome plated guide roller of copy machine影印機鍍鉻滾輪 Aluminum drum of dry copier鋁感光鼓 印表机轴心、影印机磁棒、影印机镀铬滚轮、铝感光鼓 精密陶瓷针、硬盘不锈钢绝缘垫圈、压缩机阀板、刀模、平板玻璃的斜角及边缘研磨、
凹版印刷用镀铜印刷滚轮 **High precision industry Fine ceramic pin精密陶瓷針 Super finishing Stainless steel spacer rings of HDD硬碟不銹鋼絕緣墊圈 Valve plate of compressor parts壓縮機閥板 **other industries Steel dies (die knives or Thomson blade)刀模及Thomson blade Bevel or edge of glass sheet 平板玻璃的斜角及邊緣研磨 Copper plated printing roller for gravure printing machine 凹版印刷用鍍銅印刷滾輪

SG 磨料是由幾十億個結晶形成一個優秀的顆粒.由 SG 的製造過程,和 SG 磨料的特殊性能,將不難瞭解為何 SG 的開發成功,帶給全球研磨材料界的矚目.
SG 磨料係由美國 NORTON COMPANY 新開發的專利 Seeded Gel 化學製程製造而成.由微結晶粒子開始,經過乾燥,粉碎以及燒成等過程製造出來的 SG 磨料具有強軔及獨特的破碎性.傳統氧化鋁磨料 38A ( WA ),是將原料 Bauxite 置入高爐內熔融後經過冷卻與粉碎,篩選等過程而得.其單粒結晶與 SG 磨料相比,差異極大.
比重 ( mg/cc )
化學純度 ( % )
硬度 ( Knoop )
結晶大小 ( μm )
50 以上
0.2 以下
SG 砂輪在磨削過程中,其晶粒自動碎裂而不斷產生銳角,故在磨削操作中,能避免產生高熱.
UB 砥石 UB Grinding Wheels纖維狀重研削彈性砂輪 |
Made from PVA synthetic fibers developed by our spinning technology and bonded with thermosetting resins. Abrasive grains are tightly bound inside of PVA fibers. For its elasticity effect, it offers smooth and long continuous grinding without scratches and heat generation. UB磨輪是由NTK獨特紡織技術所開發出的PVA人造纖維,以及熱硬化性樹脂所組成。而磨粒是緊密地被結合在PVA纖維之中。由於UB磨輪具有彈性的特性,使得它可以應用在長時間持續的作業,而又不產生刮痕及熱能。 Characteristics of UB Grinding Wheels 1、UB grinding wheel provides heavy stock removal and uniformed surface finish, permitting automation of polishing operation which results in reducing finishing time and eliminating some of finishing processes. 2、Special elasticity effect of the UB grinding wheel offers a long time continuous grinding operation , reducing generation of grinding heat with less loading. 3、Available in various hardness and effective for a wide range of applications from a curved surface finishing to decaling of specialty steel. 1、UB磨輪可提供較大的切削量以及均勻的表面研磨較果。可應用在自動化的拋光作業中,也因此可以減少精磨時間及減去一些製程中的步驟。 2、UB磨輪特殊的彈性特點,可長時間持續地進行研磨作業,但不會產生太多的研磨熱及堵塞現象。可應用在不同硬度材質的研磨上,從曲面到特殊金屬的研磨都有相當出色的效果。 用途 Applications **Centerless grinding Shock absorber piston rod Inner tube (fork pipe) of motor cycle Steering rack bar Rocker arm shaft Engine valve Gas spring Printer shaft Various rods for oil pressure device Various rolls for copy machines Post chrome plated rod **Specialty steel (flat products), removing surface defects and finish grinding Hi-carbon steel Hi-nickel alloy steel Stainless steel **Watch case, motor cycle rim **removing excess glue of tiles **circular saws **various metal grooves 避震器活塞桿 機車前叉內管 轉向齒棒 搖臂桿 引擎汽門 氮氣缸、氣體彈簧、氮氣彈簧 印表機軸蕊 在油壓零件中的各式桿件 影印機中各式管件 鍍鉻棒 應用於平板類金屬表面處理及精密研拋 材質包含,高碳鋼、高鎳合金、不銹鋼 錶殼及摩拖車輪圈 去除瓷磚多餘的膠 圓盤鋸 金屬溝槽 |

UB 砥石 UB Grinding Wheels纖維狀重研削彈性砂輪 |
Made from PVA synthetic fibers developed by our spinning technology and bonded with thermosetting resins. Abrasive grains are tightly bound inside of PVA fibers. For its elasticity effect, it offers smooth and long continuous grinding without scratches and heat generation. UB磨輪是由NTK獨特紡織技術所開發出的PVA人造纖維,以及熱硬化性樹脂所組成。而磨粒是緊密地被結合在PVA纖維之中。由於UB磨輪具有彈性的特性,使得它可以應用在長時間持續的作業,而又不產生刮痕及熱能。 Characteristics of UB Grinding Wheels 1、UB grinding wheel provides heavy stock removal and uniformed surface finish, permitting automation of polishing operation which results in reducing finishing time and eliminating some of finishing processes. 2、Special elasticity effect of the UB grinding wheel offers a long time continuous grinding operation , reducing generation of grinding heat with less loading. 3、Available in various hardness and effective for a wide range of applications from a curved surface finishing to decaling of specialty steel. 1、UB磨輪可提供較大的切削量以及均勻的表面研磨較果。可應用在自動化的拋光作業中,也因此可以減少精磨時間及減去一些製程中的步驟。 2、UB磨輪特殊的彈性特點,可長時間持續地進行研磨作業,但不會產生太多的研磨熱及堵塞現象。可應用在不同硬度材質的研磨上,從曲面到特殊金屬的研磨都有相當出色的效果。 用途 Applications **Centerless grinding Shock absorber piston rod Inner tube (fork pipe) of motor cycle Steering rack bar Rocker arm shaft Engine valve Gas spring Printer shaft Various rods for oil pressure device Various rolls for copy machines Post chrome plated rod **Specialty steel (flat products), removing surface defects and finish grinding Hi-carbon steel Hi-nickel alloy steel Stainless steel **Watch case, motor cycle rim **removing excess glue of tiles **circular saws **various metal grooves 避震器活塞桿 機車前叉內管 轉向齒棒 搖臂桿 引擎汽門 氮氣缸、氣體彈簧、氮氣彈簧 印表機軸蕊 在油壓零件中的各式桿件 影印機中各式管件 鍍鉻棒 應用於平板類金屬表面處理及精密研拋 材質包含,高碳鋼、高鎳合金、不銹鋼 錶殼及摩拖車輪圈 去除瓷磚多餘的膠 圓盤鋸 金屬溝槽 |

PVA-WP磨石是設計應用在平面研磨的產品,也可同時與水或水溶性冷卻油並用 Characteristics of JWP & FBB GRINDING STONES特性 Excellent uniformity in structure, permitting scratchfree finishing with long life 結構上有絕佳的一致性,因此除了可以達到無刮痕的研磨效果,同時也可有效延長磨石壽命 用途 Applications Aluminum substrates for computer HDD Aluminum spacer ring for HDD Various soft metal parts Watch dials Zircaloy pipes Titanium rolls Lacquered ware Photoconductive drums(copying machine , printer) Polygon mirrors 硬碟用鋁基板 硬碟用鋁絕緣墊圈 各項金屬工件 錶面、錶盤 鋯合金管 鈦金屬滾輪、滾筒 漆器 感光鼓(影印機及印表機) 多邊鏡(雷射印表機) |

PVA 海綿彈性精密研磨砂輪 PVA Grinding Wheels |
The PVA grinding wheels are elastic grinding wheels bonded with Polyvinyl Alcohol and are much characterized by the sponge structure. The PVA grinding wheels have proved themselves to be the best elastic grinding wheels for polish-grinding jobs in production work, saving operation cost by automation of grinding operations and contributing to upgrade of product quality. PVA磨輪是由聚乙烯醇所結合而成的彈性磨輪,並以海綿狀的結構為其特徵。由於可以經由自動化大幅度節省作業成本,以及提昇產品品質,因此PVA磨輪已被證實為在拋光研磨製程中最佳的彈性磨輪。 Characteristic of PVA grinding wheels 1、an even and excellent finished surface can be obtained with elasticity-effect of the PVA bond which makes the depth of cut of abrasive grains uniform and prevent deep scratches on surface 2、unique and regulated pores permit a long time continuous grinding operation. Reducing generation of grinding heat with less loading 3、The PVA grinding wheels , having good conformability to curved surfaces , provide much more excellent finished surface than other of abrasives such as abrasive papers or iron buffs. 1、以PVA為黏著材質,這樣的彈性效果,可以讓磨粒所造成的切削深度一致,並經此達成出色的精緻表面及平坦度,同時也可以避免表面產生太深的刮痕。 2、獨特且規則的氣孔允許長時間持續性的研磨加工,同時因為較少的堵塞,也減低研磨熱能的產生。 3、PVA對於彎曲的表面,擁有良好的一致性,也因此相較於砂紙或鐵製拋光輪等其它研磨材,PVA磨輪可以研磨出極出色的精緻表面。 用途 Applications 1、most effective for use on softer hard-to-grind materials in which polish-grinding jobs grinding heat and loading are easily generated. Works stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass, titanium, other alloyed steels, wood, glass, stones, and plastics. 2、Designed particularly for obtaining an excellent finishing (up to mirror finishing ), reducing finishing time and eliminating processes. Proved the best elastic grinding wheels in automation and mechanization of conventional hand and buffing jobs. 1、當應用在較軟,研磨過程中很容易產生熱能及堵塞不易研磨的材質上時,PVA磨輪是最有效果的。例如,不銹鋼、鋁、銅、黃銅、鈦、合金鋼、木材、玻璃、石材以及塑膠製品 2、是為了達到極佳的拋光程度(可到達鏡面拋光),同時也可以減少精密加工的時間以及減少工序,所特別設計。 對於機械化及自動化而言,是最適合的彈性磨輪。 Watch case and band錶殼及錶帶 Stainless steel pipe不銹鋼管 Kitchen knife and scissors刀具及剪刀 Motor cycle rim to remove welded part磨除摩拖車輪圈中焊接部位 Removing paint defect of car body去除車體油漆缺陷部位 Titanium drum for PCB copper foil PCB銅箔用鈦鼓 Stainless steel sink 不銹鋼水槽 Titanium rolls 鈦金屬滾筒、滾輪 Glass and marble stones 玻璃及大理石 Various jewelry(gold/silver/platinum) 珠寶(金/銀/白金)Various metal molds.各式金屬模具 |

ITO BUFF”Buffing Wheels纖維狀超彈性拋光輪 |
“ITO BUFF”拋光輪是由NTK獨特紡織技術所開發出的PVA人造纖維所組成。在這種纖維中,磨粒被緊密地結合在裏面。同時也因為此拋光輪屬於折葉結構,因此具備有容易被彎曲的特性,使得“ITO BUFF”在曲面工件的拋光上有非常好的效果。與其它的拋光輪比較,此拋光輪的特點在於,即便可以達到非常精細的拋光效果,也擁有極佳的切削能力。 Made from PVA synthetic fibers developed by our spinning technology. Abrasive grains are tightly bound inside of PVA fibers. For its flexibility owing to flap type structure. It is good at finishing of curve surface. And also unique with it can achieve very fine finish and also has good cutting power 用途 Applications Titanium eyeglass frames Watch cases Stainless steel pipes Various cutters & knives Various rolls before/after plating Various metal parts 鈦金屬鏡框 錶殼 不銹鋼管 各式剪刀及刀具 各式滾輪或滾筒電鍍前後研磨 各式金屬工件 |

PVA Wheel Buff buffing wheels纖維狀超彈性拋光輪 |
PVA Wheel Buff拋光輪是由NTK獨家研發的特殊紡織技術,以PVA及其它樹脂所組成的纖維狀彈性研磨工具。 Characteristics of PVA Wheel Buff 特性 1、Provides high cutting power and a uniformed surface finish with its elasticity effect 2、Available in various hardness and specially effective of a curved surface finishing. 3、Offers a long time continuous grinding operation with less generation of grinding heat and loading.Permits both dry and wet operation. 用途 Applications Removing scratches in the intermediate process before plating and finishing Polishing various rolls and shafts before/after hard chrome plating Finishing pipes and fixtures Hair line finishing Ground-polishing a curved surface of woodwork Door knobsPrinted circuit boards 在電鍛及拋光之前,可應用在中段製程去除刮痕 硬鍍鉻前後各式滾輪、滾筒及軸心的拋光研磨 管材及夾具的精密研磨拋光 髮絲面研磨 木製品曲面的研磨 門把印刷電路板 |
